
リッキー・マーティンが同性結婚してスペイン国籍取得 Ricky Martin Becomes Spaniard Through Same-Sex Marriage



“I would get married… There are many countries around the world where same-sex marriage is a right. Not in Puerto Rico, unfortunately. And not in many states in America.”
“Yes, we could go to Spain and get married. We can go to Argentina and get married. But why do we have to go somewhere else? Why can’t I do it in my country where the laws are – you know, protecting me?”
“I can go to Spain. I have many friends in Spain. And get married. And make it very beautiful and symbolic. But… I [can't] do it in the backyard of my house. I want to have that option. I don’t want to be a second class citizen anymore. I pay my taxes. Why can’t I have that right?”

リッキーの結婚相手は、経済学者のCarlos Gonzalez。ブロードウェー俳優のチェイエン・ジャクソンも、物理学者と結婚してたよね。見た目で成功したゲイ・セレブは、極端に知性の高い人に惹かれるっていう傾向があるのかもね。ないものねだりってやつ?なんか分かる気はする・・・。

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