
ジェイソン・ハンコック / Jason Hancock

去年の夏くらいからNHKが海外放送を始めたというのをお伝えしましたが、まさに最近はNHKを見てる時間が半分くらいになってはまってます。基本的に、外国に日本を紹介する番組が多くて、トーンはどれも同じ。だけど、改めて日本の最近の文化や地方の文化に触れると、日本っていいなーと日本人の僕ですら思えてくる。特にお気に入りの番組は、Your Japanese Kitchen, Tokyo Eye, Cool Japan, Out and About, クローズアップ現代, プロフェッショナル 仕事の流儀など。

Around last summer NHK (Japanese version of BBC or PBS) started broadcasting abroad more widely. Even my cable company Comcast has its channel in the 100's number and I have been sucked in NHK programs because I miss Japan. They are mostly targeting foreign viewers, however. Hence, the programs are about explaining Japanese culture from food to fashion, traveling, and lifestyle. My favorites are Your Japanese Kitchen, Tokyo Eye, Cool Japan, Out and About, Close up Gendai, Professionals, etc.


One of the fun parts of watching these programs is to check out cute guys from all over the world. They are always fluent in Japanese (I assume NHK requires Japanese proficiency for the position) and cute and interested in Japan! That's a perfect combination. Don't you think? I also bet there's a high chance that some of them are gay actually.

そんな僕が目を付けてる一人がジェイソン・ハンコック。初めて彼を目にしたのが、Out and Aboutの番組。それから再び目にしたのがこのエピソード。しかも、両方とも服を脱いでる!その脱ぎっぷりといやー、そりゃ見事。

One of such people is Jason Hancock. I first saw him in this episode of Out and About. Then I saw him again in this episode. Both of the times, Jason took off his clothes and exposed himself! Is it coincidence or what?


Especially this scene him in "fundoshi" (Japanese loincloth) is way over sexy for an NHK program. I wondered if other viewers noticed but Jason has a bikini tanline! That was a really tiny bikini, I can see!!


Jason's Japanese is almost native level. I was very impressed. I like his charm too. Today I found his brief bio info here.

昨晩は、彼を別のNHKの番組で発見。これまでOut and Aboutでしか見たことなかったけど、昨日は日本の女の子のかわいいファッション文化を英語で学ぶというもの。学校の教室のセットに、海外からの若い女性が生徒役で座って、講師のお話を聞くという設定。その教室の最後部に、一人、ヒゲ面の男性が・・・。僕はコギャルたちよりもその唯一の男性ガイタレが気になって、番組を見ながら、あのジョックは誰~もっと大きく映してよーとブーイング気味。


Last night, I saw him again on a different NHK program which was about Japanese kawaii (cute) fashion. Jason was wearing beard! I didn't recognize him at first. He looked a bit older... and even gayer. Of course, he was wearing Abercrombie and Fitch (A&F) shirts and pants (grin). Jason is my hero. Go Jason!

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