
My Sincere Question

Why are there more young gay Asian and older Caucasian couples?

This is not just my subjective impression given that there are other people's rants about this phenomenon. (Here's a crude opinion.) There are many opinions out there but my theory is because there are more submissive gay Asian men. Older gay men mind such Asian less than younger ones, maybe. Hmmm, that's not really true, though. I have been approached by quite a few young guys too -- sometimes too young. I'd call them "Bel Ami" types, i.e., twinks who are into other twinks. I have also noticed that there are many (yes MANY!) Asian guys who are into other Asians in here Southern California. There may be more sticky rice here than Asian men who are into other ethnicities.

Regarding older white guys, some of them used to lead a straight life, e.g., married, used to date with girls, not out at all, etc., and they finally came out in their late 40's or older. Such people may find younger, boyish, submissive gays more attractive. (In this sense, more bi guys may tend to find gay Asian men attractive.) As for young gay Asian, their supply may surpass demand among the main stream gay market in the U.S. So it's natural that some of them find demand among the elderly (and some of them may be generous, and definitely being white bears some social superiority as the dominant race in the U.S.). So this phenomenon stems from pure supply and demand.... (Some question why most gay Asian date with white and other Asian. Does anyone have response to it?)

That being said, I see more diverse couples in California. In Midwest and East Coast, I saw more "traditional" older white and younger Asian couples. But in California, there are really different types of combinations. Young white/old Asian, Asian/Black, Asian/Latino, and so many Asian/Asian couples. That's why I love West Coast!

Which Gay Asian?

When browsing people's chat profiles online, I notice that people have their own ideas about what gay Asian men should look like. I have read these phrases:

A: "Into ethnic guys. Black, Asian, Latino, all good to me"

B: "Asian and slim Latinos only"

C: "Smooth Asian bottom only - no shaved body please"

D: "looking for Masculine/DL top Asian"

E: "into Eastern Asian - northern Chinese, Korean, and Japanese"

F: "No old, fat, fem, or Asian. No offense. That's just my preference"

"A" is a typical "Benetton" guy. He - a white guy - loves anything ethnic. He makes love with people from all over the world except for white guys who may remind him of himself. 

"B" guy has some specific idea about gay Asian men. His phrase sounds like there are no fat Asian!

"C" is def by a guy who's into Asian twink. He may be fantasizing about a hairless adolescent body. Oftentimes, he is a "daddy" type.

Oh, and I feel sorry about "D" guy. There are so few masculine top Asian men in the world.... I think. When you go to gay bars, pride festivals, and gay Asian/API social groups and the like, how many masculine top-looking Asian guys do you see? There's a study saying that there are, in general, more bottom gays (including versatile) than top gays anyway.

"E" guys have deep understanding of Asian culture and sees difference among Asian men. He is more likely to have been to those Asian countries and cultivated his taste of those Asian men. He often speaks one or more of those languages.

And the "F" guy sees Asian in the same category as being fat and fem. Ouch. You can lose weight and can do something to boost your masculinity but you can't change your ethnicity! What annoys me most is that he spent extra effort to write this disclaimer. I have preference about men. But I don't spell out who I do NOT want to hear from. Especially on the Internet where people search by key words, typing a word "Asian" in your profile or ad will draw traffic from Asian men themselves (me!) and those who are looking for Asian. I'm looking for Asian-friendly people, but my search results often include those who are the least fan of Asian. What a bummer. "F" guy does not understand how the Internet works and definitely deserves F!

All from A to F, however, seem to connote certain images about gay Asian men. Some of my gay friends - Caucasian men who're into Asian - say that being into Asian is almost regarded as fetishism. That's why many of them do not want to admit that they're into Asian men with their non-Asian friends -- at least until they get really old and have nothing to lose any more. There seems to be such a prejudice against interracial straight couples too. But a thing is that gay Asian men are not regarded as "fetishists" by liking white, black, latino guys so much -- at least in the U.S. In contrast, Japanese gays call other Japanese gays, who are into white guys, gaisen which means "specializing in foreigners" and tend to see them fetishists. 

Is having sexual preference to ethnic minority fetishism?

At any rate, I'm glad that there are gay guys in this country who are seeking Asian lovers, bf, partners, or whatever you call it. But I'm still confused about your images toward gay Asian men. I have a couple of chat profiles which do not show my clear facial pictures for privacy. I only send my clear pictures to people who I have a decent conversation with and see a possibility to meet in person. Guess what happens? When I see them in person, I often get complement like "Oh you look much better than your pictures." About half of the other times when I share my clear face pictures, however, people are disappointed and say I'm not what they're looking for. Their profiles say they're looking for Asian. I am Asian. My height/weight/age ranges fit their preferences. I'm not drug addict or do not have any bugs. We had a good conversation. But still my face picture is definitely not it. WTF?

People who are into gay Asian men do not have right language to express their desire obviously! Just saying "I'm looking for Asian" does not bring YOUR Asian men! It's basically the same as "I'm looking for gay men." That'll bring all kinds of gay men. You have to be more specific and need to learn what kind of Asian you're aroused by! I know there are philanthropists who'd love whatever Asian, but most of you are not. And there are a variety of gay Asian men.

Which Gay Asian men are you into?

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ピッチャーのC.J. Wilson。めちゃカッコイイ。アシュトン・クッチャーっぽい?


C.J. Wilsonに惚れた~

もう一人は、今日、ホームランを放ったJosh Hamilton。




Josh Hamiltonって麻薬の前科もあるらしく、あやうく選手生命が絶たれるところだったんだってさ。こういうライフスタイルを見ると、わかるね。


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つい先日、このブログでLAのショッピングについて質問があったけど、そのときにも紹介したサンタモニカ。3rd Street Promenadeっていう歩行者専用のショッピング街が海岸と平行してハッテンしてる。毎夏、サンタモニカはライブミュージックが無料で聞ける屋外コンサートがあるので、今日、それを聞きに行ってきた。今日から3日間はBeatlesfestといってビートルズの曲らしいという事前情報



ルイビトンやティファニー、バーバリーなんかの高級店から、ディズニー、ナイキなどまで、有名ブランドが軒を連ねてる。建物が吹き抜けで、デザインが面白い。お店のショーウィンドーの飾りも個性的&先進的で、ブランド戦略のうまいお店がこぞって出店してるっていう感じ。健康・おしゃれ・グルメ・自然保護などプログレッシブなSo Cal(南カリフォルニア)、その代名詞でもあるサンタモニカの一等地にお店を出すこと事態がブランド戦略にとって重要。なのでどこのお店も力が入ってるのがわかる(こんなに不況なのにね)。ちなみに、このショッピングセンターのキャッチフレーズが、So Cal So Cool。ウマイね。





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