Another (disappointing) surprise is that Michael Clayton didn't win many prizes--only the best supporting actress category. Tilda Swinton , who played an evil attorney in Michael Clayton, was great, actually. She deserves it.
そしてもう一つ、イマイチに思った原因は、Michael Claytonがあんまり受賞しなかったこと。助演女優賞はこの映画に出てるTilda Swintonが受賞したけどそれだけだったんじゃないかな。でも彼女の演技は光ってたので、受賞してよかったです。
No Country for Old Men was definitely the biggest winner of the night. That's the Cohen brothers' latest film. I like their Fargo a lot but haven't seen this one. That's why I couldn't get excited when I heard that they won the best picture last night.
今年、各賞を総なめしたのが、No Country for Old Men。コーエン兄弟が監督した作品。僕も、彼らの昔の作品、Fargoは好きだけど、ちょっと玄人向き映画。まだNo Countryは見てないというのもあり、昨晩の受賞の納得感が薄い・・・。
According to my friend James, this movie is very suspenseful but also bloody and spooky. Hmmm I'm not sure if I can enjoy such a movie on Friday night by myself... But since it won the best picture, I should see it sometime, maybe with M (my Japanese female friend) or Brian.
Already James has rent out La Vie En Rose which won the best actress category last night. There is a theory (according to some commentator on the U.S. television), if a pretty actress plays an ugly woman, she will win the Oscar; see Nicole Kidman in The Hours and Charlize Theron in Monster. Well, it seems true for this year.
早速、ジェームスが、助演女優賞を取ったフランスの作品、La Vie En RoseのDVDを今日借りてきてる。昨晩、テレビのコメンテーターが言ってたけど、美人女優が不細工な役を演じると、オスカーを受賞できるというジンクスがあるとか。確かに、これまでニコール・キッドマンのThe Hoursとか、シャーリース・セローンのMonsterなんてそうだよね。今年のLa Vie En Roseもそうだし。
Since the Oscars itself was a bit boring, I was distracted by other channels such as my favorite Travel Channel. It was showing a documentary Living With the Mek Tribe.
今年のオスカーは途中、退屈するシーンが多かったので、浮気して別の番組に目移りしてしまった。裏番組で放送していたのが、僕のお気に入りTravel Channelのドキュメンタリー番組。
Two Brits, Mark and Olly go to Mek Tribe (in New Guinea?). Last night, they passed a rite of passage and put on the indigenous people's "daily cloths" which is a koteka (penis gourd) to cover the private area... That was definitely a more exciting moment than boring jokes by Jon Stewart last night!!!
This is Olly. これがオーリー。
This is Mark. これがマーク。
Which do you think is more handsome? Actually both of them are very good looking. While watching them almost naked (bare butt, of course) last night, I was fantasizing about these hunks. If I could choose either of them, which one should I? Well, there won't be such a situation in a real life but you know, a gay man's fantasy...
Personally, Mark is a more chiseled, clean-cut, handsome guy. But as a boyfriend, Olly seems more fun and personable.
Olly's official website
Interview with Mark
The video interview with Mark and Olly
Unfortunately, I couldn't find photos when Mark and Olly were putting on only a koteka, penis gourd. I'm sure there will be a repeat of the show, so if interested, check it out!
After posting the above blog, I found a preview of thie show on YouTube. You can see them in a koteka! (click the picture below.)
Now these guys are literally grown 'up'?! Well, my joke may not be better than that of Jon Stewart...