
とんでもCNNレポーター / crazy CNN reporter


Surprising breaking news. Last night when I was watching Jay Leno's show, Jay made fun of a CNN reporter who was arrested in the Central Park in New York for drug possession. The CNN reporter was also wearing a rope around his neck and the rope was tied around his genitals. A sex toy (maybe dildo?) was hidden in his boots, too. I couldn't believe that it was actual news. I thought it was a made-up story by Jay Leno. Literally I couldn't believe what my ears heard.


You can read about the news here.

それで今日、改めてネットで調べてみたら、やっぱり本当の事件だったということが確認できました。それにしても、この不細工なCNNのレポーターのRichard Quest、前から見たことがあって、イギリス人なんだよね。で、この出っ歯で早口でまくし立てるように話すんで、嫌でも覚えてしまうキャラ。こういうことをするなんて、何を考えてるんでしょうね。呆れてしまって物も言えません・・・。

Today I searched on the Internet to confirm it. I knew this ugly CNN reporter, Richard Quest. He is British, I think. He speaks so fast with his buckteeth sticking out, so I couldn't forget this character. At any rate, I don't understand why he did such a stupid thing. My jaw dropped.


Speaking of wandering in a park in search of sex and being involved with police, Kevin Spacy had the similar experience. He was doing something in a park in Lodon and mugged or something. Kevin Spacy first said he was mugged but later he changed his claim and explained that he just tripped. Duh! Who'd believe it? He was looking for anonymous sex in a park! That's it!


I can't understand people who act so boldly and stupidly just to have sex. They are famous (can't be anonymous)! They are sick obviously.

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